Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Apr 28. We’re now in the seaside town of Moneglia, on the Mediterranean in the region of Liguria. We arrived here last night. Today after breakfast, we headed in land to the city of Parma, from where the famous Parmagiano cheese, and Parma prosciutto (Ham)  originates.  We tried to find one of the many factories where the cheese is made, to buy some cheese to bring home, but by the time we got there, drove around for a while to see the main points of interest, specifically the cathedral, with it’s very rich, painted interior, had lunch (a 2-1/2 hour affair) we ran out of time so sadly - no cheese to bring home.  Cheese-making here is a very well respected industry. Cows are imported and specially bred for the richness and quantity of their milk. The whey byproduct of the cheese is fed to the huge Parma pigs which provide the Prosciutto, nothing wasted here!!

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